Cartoon woman standing by a white board which has Make a Pledge written on it


October is Speak Up Month!

Throughout October, Freedom to Speak Up Guardians and their organisations will be raising awareness of Freedom to Speak Up and the work which is being done to make speaking up business as usual.

This year the National Guardian’s Office is encouraging everyone to play their part to Speak Up, Listen Up and Follow Up.

We are encouraging everyone– wherever they work – to complete the Freedom to Speak Up Elearning and make a Speak Up Pledge.

We’ll be sharing blogs and case studies to illustrate the part we all play in fostering a culture where people can speak up and be confident they will be listened to and that action will follow for learning and improvement.

We’re also holding a series of virtual events. Details of how to register are on our Eventbrite page. Spaces are limited, but we will be recording the events so they can be shared via our YouTube channel.

Watch the recording of the Speak Up event here

Watch the recording of the Listen Up event here

Watch the recording of the Follow Up event here

Have you completed the training and made your Speak Up Pledge?

Share with us on Twitter or LinkedIn, we’ll be using the hashtag #SpeakUpListenUpFollowUp and sharing pledges using #SpeakUpPledge